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Arany Kaviár Restaurant

We wish to convey what our restaurant Arany Kaviár represents, via the gastro experience.

We wish to be unique in the world of fine dining based on our carefully defined style of cuisine. Its corner stones are: our caviar selection, our traditions and the continuous motivation to evolve.

Our line is the evolution. Being led by 3 decades’ expertise, our team’s vitality and our set of values, with the personal attention in its focus. The role to accompany our guests throughout an evening filled with fascinating moments is the most beautiful part of our profession.

Our restaurant, Arany Kaviár turns out to be such an atelier, where our chef László Kanász and our head of R&D, José Guerrero, passionately experiments the way to transform an evening by us into a truly wonderful and unique experience. Based on our professionalism, seasoned with colourful international experiences and a modern kitchen, we are on the right road of representing such a fine dining that is even more expressive and surprising too.


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